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Raw nettle smoothie with pineapple and banana

Raw Nettle smoothie

Our Raw Nettle smoothie is using the healing power of the nettle in a colorful and freshly cocktail with an exotic twist.

Nettle be used in our lands since time immemorial. They even ascribe supernatural powers to the casting of spells, for example. The potion from it is a powerful natural tonic. It supports the activity of the heart, has styptic and general strengthening action, helps in overweight and diabetes. It is also effective in spring fatigue and allergies.

Pineapple Contains bromelain. Bromelain is a catalytic enzyme known for its anti-inflammatory properties. You can also see it with the name „Pineapple extract“. The jackpot lies in the core, stems and leaves of the pineapple, where the concentration of the enzyme is the greatest. So, do not forget to add a part of it to your smoothie with raw nettle.

Bananas are rich in potassium and are a good source of energy because of the large amount of vitamins and minerals they contain. Bananas increase the level of the „happiness hormone“ and contain a vitamin B complex that favors the nervous system.


  • 1 banana
  • 1/4 Pineapple
  • 2 tbsp Coconut milk
  • 1 handful of nettle leaves


  • 1/4 Cucumber
  • or 1/2 avocado


Use only the tips or the petals without the handles of young and fresh nettles. Rinse several times, remove very well excess water. Put everything in a blender: banana, pineapple, coconut milk and nettle leaves. Stir well all the ingredients to a smooth texture. Optionally add peeled and diced cucumber for freshness and more texture or add avocado for a denser, oily and creamy texture.