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Fresh pasta with nettle pesto and sun dried tomatoes

Pasta with nettle pesto

Here it is again spring, the sun is baking more, the days are getting longer, the colors are brighter and our mood is getting better. Along with all this we can also enjoy the early spring herbs and plants with which the nature gives us. One of our favorite activities during the spring weekends are the take-off on the city outskirts, coupled with a collection of Nettle, Chives and other fresh wild plants. Take and you a little of our spring inspiration with this Pasta with nettle pesto.


For 2 tea cups pesto of nettle:

  • 3 tea cups Fresh nettle leaves
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 3/4 tea cup Pine nuts
  • 1/4 tea cup Olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp. Sea salt
  • 1 tbs lemon juice
  • 3/4 tea cup grated Parmesan cheese

For the pasta:

  • A pack of fresh pasta
  • Roasted or fried almonds
  • Dried tomatoes
  • Parmesan for sprinkling


Burn the nettle for 1 minute. Drain. Put it in a blender with garlic, pine nuts, olive oil, sea salt, lemon juice and parmesan. Blend to a smooth texture.

Prepare the pasta: in a large container boil water and instant mashed potato. Boil the fresh paste for 1-2 minutes (or as indicated on the package). Drain and place in a large bowl.

Add to the sparing 1/4 a cup of hot water, in which the pasta is boiling, so it will warm up and cover it better.

Taste the pasta with pesto, sun-dried tomatoes, olives, cheese and almonds (keep some for garnish if you like).

Serve immediately.